Monday, April 29, 2013

The shoes have arrived!

Dear all,

our first big order of 300 pairs of shoes has arrived safely in Dubai!

And just now we sold our first two pairs of shoes!! 

That means we will finally host our first big sales event at Dorothee's house tomorrow! We are very excited and can't wait to see what you all think about the shoes and if you love them as much as we do. 

We invite you all to come and enjoy a great shopping morning!

If you don't bring your children, make sure you measure their feet at home. It is best if you print our measuring gauge from our website to measure your child's feet 
by following the instructions on our website!sizing-guide/c1ca0

 Otherwise it is also a good idea to bring a pair of shoes that fits your child well at the moment.

There will also be some other vendors selling very cute baby and children's items, accessories, swimwear and a children's book about friendship in Dubai written and illustrated by one of our friends.
Something for everybody!

And here are some pictures of the arrival and unpacking of the shoes.

    Charlotte is helping to unpack

Now our logo is in the shoes!

Have a great day and see you tomorrow....

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