Saturday, April 20, 2013

Facts on children's feet

On this blog we want to post general information about children's shoes, their feet, when they need new shoes, how to measure shoes and feet correctly but also why import our shoes from Portugal. What makes Portugal special and some information about the shoe industry there. And of course many pictures!

So today we want to share some general tips for children's feet:

Have your children walk and play barefoot whenever it is possible as this allows their feet to strengthen and to develop their muscles. Many children's orthopedics even say it would be best for children to walk the whole day barefoot at the beach as the natural ground supports the feet best.

Do not put little feet in too small tights or socks, which cause their toes to curl and can result in permanent damage to the growing bones. Try to avoid synthetic socks.
A children's shoe needs to adjust to the foot and needs to be able to support every movement. Also children are very active and their feet need to breath. Therefore our shoes are only made of soft, natural leather that is breathable.
Infants have flat feet. Their foot arch only gradually starts developing at 2/3 years, children therefore do not need an arch support, shock absorbers or similar things that many children's shoes are being advertised with.
The soles should be soft and flat. Natural rubber soles are best because of their flexibility which allows the foot to move naturally. 

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